Driver Error Codes
The Read Status and Write Status fields return error codes to the tags you specified for those fields. These error codes can be standard or customized for each driver. For a description of customized error codes, consult the documentation for the driver.
The following are standard error codes, which are always negative values:
- 0=OK
- -1=Invalid serial port
- -2=Invalid baud rate
- -3=Invalid number of bits
- -4=Invalid number of stop bits
- -5=Invalid parity
- -6=Invalid irq
- -7=Serial port already in use
- -8=Invalid buffer size
- -9=Memory not enough
- -10=Tx buffer empty
- -11=Tx buffer full
- -12=Rx buffer empty
- -13=Rx buffer full
- -14=Timeout waiting CTS
- -15=Timeout waiting start a message
- -16=Timeout waiting a message to finish
- -17=Timeout between rx char
- -18=Timeout between tx char
- -19=No carrier detected
- -20=No DSR detected
- -21=Could not find a 8250 in address
- -22=Tx line is busy
- -23=User abort
- -24=Function not supported
- -25=Overrun
- -26=Parity
- -27=Overrun and parity
- -28=Framing
- -29=Framing and overrun
- -30=Framing and parity
- -31=Framing, overrun and parity
- -32=Timeout waiting a tx message to finish
The UNICOMM.MSG file in the […]InduSoft Web Studio v7.1Bin directory also contains descriptions of the standard error codes.
The DriverName.MSG file in the […]InduSoft Web Studio v7.1Drv directory contains descriptions of the customized error codes for each driver.