Returns the status of the dial-up connection.
Function | Group | Execution | Windows | Embedded | Thin Client | Mobile Access |
DialStatus | Dial-up | Synchronous | Supported (see note) | Supported | Supported | Not supported |
Note: This function is not supported on Windows 7.
DialStatus( numType, strPhonebookEntryOrModem, "optStatus", optRefresh )
- numType
- A numeric flag that specifies the content of the strPhonebookEntryorModem parameter.
- 0: Phonebook Name
- 1: Modem Name
- 2: Direct Connection Name
- strPhonebookEntryOrModem
- The Phonebook Name, Modem Name, or Direct Connection Name used to make the connection. The numType parameter specifies which of these methods is used.
- optStatus
- Optional The name of the string tag receiving the status message.
Note: The tag name should be enclosed in quotes, as shown in the syntax diagram, or else the function will try to use the value of the tag.
- optRefresh
- Optional tag that causes the function to update its return value. This parameter is optional, but you must use it when configuring this function for an object animation (e.g., Text Data Link, Position).
Returned value
Value | Description |
-5 | PhoneBook or modem does not exist |
-4 | Invalid value for the numType parameter (0 or 1) |
-3 | Error: invalid number of parameters (minimum = 2) |
-2 | Error: INDRAS.DLL damaged |
-1 | Error: INDRAS.DLL not found |
0 | Opening the port… |
1 | Port was opened successfully. |
2 | Connecting to the device… |
3 | The device has connected successfully. |
4 | All devices in the device chain have successfully connected. |
5 | Verifying the user name and password… |
6 | An authentication event has occurred. |
7 | Requested another validation attempt with a new user. |
8 | Server has requested a callback number. |
9 | The client has requested to change the password |
10 | Registering your computer on the network… |
11 | The link-speed calculation phase is starting… |
12 | An authentication request is being acknowledged. |
13 | Reauthentication (after callback) is starting. |
14 | The client has successfully completed authentication. |
15 | The line is about to disconnect for callback. |
16 | Delaying to give the modem time to reset for callback. |
17 | Waiting for an incoming call from server. |
18 | Projection result information is available. |
19 | User authentication is being initiated or retried. |
20 | Client has been called back and is about to resume authentication. |
21 | Logging on to the network… |
22 | Subentry has been connected. |
23 | Subentry has been disconnected |
24 | Terminal state supported by RASPHONE.EXE. |
25 | Retry authentication state supported by RASPHONE.EXE. |
26 | Callback state supported by RASPHONE.EXE. |
27 | Change password state supported by RASPHONE.EXE. |
8192 | Connected to remote server successfully! |
8193 | Disconnected. |
Tag Name | Expression |
Tag | DialStatus( 0, “Office DialUp” ) |
Tag | DialStatus( 1, “USRobotics_SportsterFaxModem”, “StatusMessage”, second ) |
Tag | DialStatus( 2, “DirectDial”, “DialupError”) |
See also: FindModem()