Sets the DisplayUnit, UnitDiv, and UnitAdd properties on a specific tag.
| Group
| Execution
| Windows
| Embedded
| Thin Client
| Mobile Access
SetTagDisplayUnit | Graphic
| Synchronous
| Supported
| Supported
| Supported
| Not supported
- strTagName
- The name of the specific tag on which the DisplayUnit, UnitDiv and UnitAdd tag fields will be set.
Note: If this parameter is given a tag, then that tag should contain the name of the tag on which the tag fields will be set.
- strDisplayUnit
- The new value for the DisplayUnit tag field.
- numDiv
- The new value for the UnitDiv tag field.
- numAdd
- The new value for the UnitAdd tag field.
Returned value
| Success.
| Wrong number of parameters.
| Specified tag doesn’t exist.
| numDiv parameter is invalid (equal to 0).
Tag Name
| Expression
| SetTagDisplayUnit( “TagTemp”, “F”, 0.555556, 32 ) // For the tag “TagTemp”, the DisplayUnit tag field is set to “F”, the UnitDiv tag field is set to 0.555556, and the UnitAdd tag field is set to 32.