
This function runs a global procedure when the value of a specified project tag or expression becomes TRUE.

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client Mobile Access
RunGlobalProcedureOnTrue Module Activity Synchronous Supported Supported Supported Not supported


Web Studio Help ty runglobalprocedureontrue.xml d162203e106 RunGlobalProcedureOnTrue
A project tag or expression that can be evaluated as either FALSE (zero) or TRUE (non-zero).
Note: The condition should be enclosed in quotes, as shown in the syntax diagram, or else the function will try to use the value of the condition instead.
The name of the procedure (i.e., a VBScript function or sub-routine defined in the Procedures folder of your project) to run when the value of the specified tag/expression becomes TRUE.

Returned value

This function returns the following possible values:
Value Description
0 Error
1 Success


Once this function is called, it is continuously executed by the project runtime client (i.e., the Viewer) until either it or the project runtime server is stopped. That means every time the value of the condition becomes TRUE, the procedure is run. However, the procedure is run only once when the value of the condition becomes TRUE; it is not repeatedly run while the value of the condition is TRUE. For the procedure to run again, the value of the condition must become FALSE and then TRUE again.

Also, the function can be called more than once, so that the same procedure can be run by different triggers. The project runtime client manages the execution of all instances of the function.

The procedure is run on the client where this function was called. To run a procedure on the project server, use the function RunGlobalProcedureOnServer.

The value of strCondition is passed to the procedure as an argument, so the procedure should be written to receive it. For example:
  Sub UsingOnTrue(strCondition)    .    .    .   End Sub  

Please note that you do not actually have to use the argument in your procedure, only that you should write the procedure to receive it.

No other arguments can be passed to the procedure.

To ensure compatibility with previous versions of InduSoft Web Studio, passing the argument is disabled by default in existing projects and enabled by default in new projects. To change this for your project, open your project file (projectname.APP) in a text editor and then edit the following property:
  [Options]  EnableTagNameOnRunGlobalProcedureOnTag=<0 (disabled) / 1 (enabled)>  


When the value of TagOnTrue becomes TRUE, run the procedure UsingOnTrue:
