
Compares two strings to see if they are identitical, ignoring the case of letters (i.e., the lower-case “a” is considered to have the same value as the upper-case “A”).

Function Group Execution Windows Embedded Thin Client Mobile Access
StrCompareNoCase String Synchronous Supported Supported Supported Supported


  StrCompareNoCase( strValue1, strValue2 )  
A string, or a tag of String type. This is the first string in the comparison.
A string, or a tag of String type. This is the second string in the comparison.

Returned value

−1 The value of strValue1 is less than the value of strValue2.
0 strValue1 and strValue2 are identical.
1 The value of strValue1 is greater than the value of strValue2.


Tag Name Expression
Tag StrCompareNoCase( “Text1″, “TEXT1″ ) // Returned value = 0
Tag Tag1 = “Text1″ Tag2 = “TEXT1″ StrCompareNoCase( Tag1, Tag2 ) // Returned value = 0
