The function ReloadAppFromServer reloads the necessary project files from the server while maintaining the current state of the project on the client.
Function | Group | Execution | Windows | Embedded | Thin Client | Mobile Access |
ReloadAppFromServer | System Info | Synchronous | Supported | Supported | Supported | Not supported |

This function takes no paramters.
Returned value
This function always returns 0.
For this function, the server is the computer or device that hosts the downloadable project files (e.g., screens) for your thin clients. It might be different from the project runtime server (a.k.a. the data server), depending on how you deploy your project. For more information, see Configuring a Web Solution.
If the option Enforce Web functionality equivalence is selected in the project settings, this function cannot be called from Global Procedures or Script worksheets. This is because the function is meaningful only when it is executed on stations that display project screens; it might cause unexpected behavior if it is called from background tasks that are executed on the project runtime server. For more information, see Preferences tab.