Add a target language to the Translation Table

The Translation Table is used to manage the languages into which you want to translate your project. Adding a language to the table can be as simple as selecting it from a list and then automatically translating your project texts.

Note: By default, the source language of a project is the language of the development environment itself. In other words, it is assumed that when you create a new project, it is for the same language that you work in. For more information about changing the language of the development environment, see Language.

In some cases, however, you might work in one language but develop your project for another — for example, you might work in Portuguese but develop your project for English. If that is the case, you must remember to set the source language in Step 3 below, to associate the correct language with the Source column of the worksheet.

To add a target language to the Translation Table:

  1. Open the Translation Table worksheet by doing one of the following:
    • On the Insert tab of the ribbon, in the Global group, click Translation; or
    • In the Global tab of the Project Explorer, double-click Translation.

    The Translation Table worksheet is opened for editing.

  2. Make sure the Enable Translation option is selected. If this option is cleared, then the entire Translation Table worksheet is disabled and the language cannot be changed during run time.
  3. If the source language of your project is other than the language of the development environment itself, set the source language:
    1. To the right of the Source language box, click the browse button. The Languages dialog box is displayed.
    2. In the Languages dialog box, select the language for which your project was originally developed, and then click OK.

    The selected language is set in the Source language box.

  4. Set the target language:
    1. In the Target languages group, click Add. The Languages dialog box is displayed.
    2. In the Languages dialog box, select the language to which you want to translate your project, and then click OK.

    The selected language is added to the Select list, and a new worksheet is created for the language. The Source column of the worksheet is automatically populated with all of the translatable text strings in your project, and the Target column is blank.

  5. Configure Date order and Date separator as needed for the target language. For example, for English-United States (i.e., American English), Date order is typically MDY and Date separator is typically /, resulting in a date format of MM/DD/YYYY. In many European languages, however, Date order is typically YMD and Date separator is typically ., resulting in a date format of YYYY.MM.DD. The language is added to the Select list, and a new worksheet is created for the language. The Source column of the worksheet is automatically populated with all of the translatable text strings in your project, and the Target column is blank.
  6. Use the Filters to search the worksheet for specific text items; as you type a few characters, the list is dynamically filtered to show only the items that match.
    Note: The ampersand character (&) is ignored when filtering rows. This is to improve the handling of text in program dialogs, where ampersands are used to indicate keyboard accelerators.
  7. For each text item in the Source column, enter the translation in the Target column. You can manually translate the items one by one, or you can automatically translate multiple items using Google Translate.
    1. Highlight the cells in the Source column to select them, and then press Ctrl-C to copy those items to the clipboard. You can also click the column header to select the entire column.
    2. In your web browser, go to
    3. Select the From and To languages.
    4. Click in the text box on the left, and then press Ctrl-V to paste the items from the clipboard. The items are pasted as separate lines.
    5. Click Translate. The translation appears on the right. Again, the items are translated as separate lines.
    6. Highlight the translated items to select them, and then press Ctrl-C to copy the items to the clipboard.
    7. In InduSoft Web Studio, highlight the empty cells in the Target column to select them. You can also click the column header to select the entire column.
    8. Press Ctrl-V to paste the translated items from the clipboard into the Target column. Because the translated items were copied as separate lines, they should be correctly pasted into the rows of the worksheet.
  8. Review the translated items in the Target column, to confirm the translations and to make sure they match the untranslated items in the Source column.
    Tip: If you want to keep the original, untranslated text for a specific item, leave the Source column blank.
  9. Save and close the worksheet.

Changes made to the translation table will not take effect until you either call the function SetLanguage or restart the project runtime.

Tip: The translation table is saved as a tab-delimited text file in your project folder at: […]DocumentsInduSoft Web Studio v7.1 Projectsproject_nameWebTranslation.trn

You can open and directly edit this file with Microsoft Excel, if you choose to do so.

Add a target language to the Translation Table