Choosing the Tag Data Type
Another consideration when designing a tag is what type of data the tag will receive. IWS recognizes the following, standard tag data types:
- Boolean (one bit): Simple boolean with the possible values of 0 (false) and 1 (true). Equivalent to the “bool” data type in C++. Typically used for turning objects off and on or for closing and opening objects.
- Integer (four bytes): Integer number (positive, negative, or zero) internally stored as a signed 32-bit. Equivalent to the “signed long int” data type in C++. Typically used for counting whole numbers or setting whole number values. Examples: 0, 5, −200.
- Real (floating point, eight bytes): Real number that is stored internally as a signed 64-bit. Equivalent to the “double” data type in C++. Typically used for measurements or for decimal or fractional values.
- String (alphanumeric data, up to 1024 characters): Character string up to 1024 characters that holds letters, numbers, or special characters. Supports both ASCII and UNICODE characters. Examples: Recipe product X123, 01/01/90, *** On ***.
You can also assign a new tag to a class that you have previously created.
You can find these tag types (and their respective icons) in the Global tab of the Project Explorer.