Comm tab

The Comm tab of the Project Explorer organizes the worksheets that control communication with remote devices, using either direct communication drivers or other common protocols.

Figure 1. Comm tab of the Project Explorer
Web Studio Help window projectexplorer comm Comm tab

The folders on the Comm tab are described in the following sections:
You can use Driver worksheets to communicate with PLCs and other hardware, using any of the hundreds of direct communication drivers that are installed with the development application.
OPC DA 2.05
You can use OPC worksheets to communicate with OPC servers via the OPC Classic protocol.
You can use OPC UA worksheets to communicate with OPC servers via the new OPC Unified Architecture protocol.
OPC .Net
You can use OPC .Net worksheets to communicate with OPC servers via the new OPC .NET 3.0 protocol (formerly OPC Xi).
You can use OPC XML/DA worksheets to communicate with OPC servers via the new OPC XML-DA protocol.
You can use TCP/IP worksheets to configure communication between your own project and other IWS projects. The TCP/IP Client and TCP/IP Server modules enable two or more projects to keep their databases synchronized using the TCP/IP protocol.
You can use DDE worksheets to communicate with other Microsoft Windows applications, such as Microsoft Excel, that support the Dynamic Data Exchange protocol.

Comm tab